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How to Become a God: Three Modes of Ascension

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How to Become a God: Three Modes of Ascension


“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

All humans have the ability to overcome the weaknesses of being human. I have deduced this ability to three categories of possibility; each corresponding to the mind, body, and soul. The mind is ruled by the divine intellect, the body by material forces of matter, and the soul by a connection to the Absolute. 

Humans think in twos therefore we think in threes because the two variables coordinate.

We see with our two eyes in two dimensions, right, everything is flat. We conceive the third dimension as infinite 2D forces.

Godlike four-dimensional entities see the 4th dimension as infinite 3D forces, above time and space.

We see the three extremes as different (ultimate negative, ultimate positive, ultimate synthesis), but God sees them as one.

HOWEVER, if we negate all three, we unconsciously conceive the 4th by letting in four-dimensional intelligences. Thus, we become Gods ourselves. Schizoid self-aggrandizement is not delusional, it's merely fleeting and unstable.

The key is to separate from the Divine Order of the Monad, the machine that automatically sets the conditions for our reality. This sounds complicated, but really it's like those illusions where one ball looks bigger than the other ball given its contextual background, but really they are the same. It's an illusion that can be made into a deception by those who know how to manipulate contextual backgrounds. [optical illusion]

The mind can only emancipate from these illusion by getting closer to raw stimuli itself. Seeing the visceral form that gives rise to phenomena. We all have degrees of intuition. For example some person might be angry, but some can tell if they are angry out of passion or angry out of feeling powerless.

Returning back to the three paradigms, we will examine each of them to create some sort of archetype that we can work with in order to reveal the Truth underneath.

The first: black and red. Physical. Natural. Beast evolution. Horns. Aggression. Fire. Based on raw desire and focuses on nothing but desire. Think of being an "alpha". Dominates every situation, faces fear head on. Muscles. Strength and understanding through silence. An appetite for victory, sexuality, and destruction. The rebel. Individuation, doesn't like to relate to others. Eternal return. Bends spacetime to their Will. Realistic. Transmuting excess pain into reward. Vertical. Works with time. Restricted. When capital is involved, the first will ruthlessly try to capture as much individual power as possible to become the greatest. Otherwise, in anarchy they would refine their desires.

The second: white and blue. Mental. Technological teleology. Wings. Defensive. Ice. Focuses on others. Instead of playing own strengths, they play the others weakness. Uses force. Conscious. Joints. Idealistic. Plans and conceives. Strategizes. Wisdom. Information based. Must relate to concepts. Enjoys breaking barriers. Consistent pain with bursts of excess reward. Horizontal. Works with space. Decadent. When capital is involved, they will use it to grow and expand structures of societal order.

The third: gold. Spiritual. The bigger picture. Jesus Christ. Harmony. Synthesis. Unity.

However, the third can be conceived multiple ways. It can be a negation of the two other paradigms, like the antithesis of the first then the antithesis of the second. It can be a synthesis where they equalize each other out like a golden mean. It can be a synthesis where one consumes the other, either the first consumes the second or the second consumes the first, and the survivor is fundamentally changed by the interaction. It can be a residual of a violent interplay, as if an indifferent messenger between the two.

This can be visualized in a simple triangle. Visualization is the foundation of all this, which is why we started by talking about dimensions.

The first visualizes their Will through time, as a fine sword penetrating through temporal uncertainty. They will because they see themselves winning. They seize short-term victories by staying several steps ahead of everything else. They seize long-term victories by unconscious SENSING the value of their actions and what will be of value for longer periods of time.

The second visualizes their Will through space, expanding outside of the limits of the physical form. The virtual expanse of the mind can be unlimited if its properly organized and managed by conscious force and organization. The second can think and keep track of multiple processes at once, like a supercomputer.

The third visualizes their Will through space-time, by sharing it with a greater spirit than themselves. They see things by projecting into world and sharing the sum of what they absorb. Their victory is not their own but rather what is good for the bigger picture. The bigger picture can again be conceived in different ways depending on what Absolution the third is tied to. They might be trying to balance out the opposing forces to resolve the conflict as in the case of the mediator's quest for truth, thus tied to a moral perspective. Or they might be more of an artist, following the bigger picture of trying to find new experimental ways of reconciling two opposites. This might manifest in the Apollonian sense, where the synthesis is meant to be as aesthetic as possible: creating absurdity or humor in light of conflict. Or it might be in the ironic schizoid sense: black humor makes it so that there was never any contradiction at all: understanding that it will always be a contradiction.

Now let's take a historical angle. The first is represented in dinosaurs, imperialism, the American West. The second by technology, democracy, and marketing. The third is represented in the East by neutralization, and in the ancient pharaohs by a golden harmony. Ancient hermetics, occultists, and artists represent the third by means of the messenger.

Philosophy began in the East with a neutralized third, but expanded West with the Greek philosophers who were the first. Then Plato revolutionized philosophy in terms of a second paradigm which culminated with Hegel and German idealism, until Nietzsche and others like Heidegger and Marx reversed philosophy back to the first. Both Hegel and Nietzsche were able to have such influence over philosophy in light of the third variable, by means of the consummation method mentioned earlier.

Let's straighten out the third variable. There is neutralization. There is harmony. There is consummation. There is communication. Neutralization is where the two forces cancel each other out, such as in Buddhism. Harmony is where the forces both act in coordination to the same positive goal. Consummation is where one force overtakes the other force by transmuting it into itself. Communication is the residual of the ever-changing interplay between the forces.

The consummation method is so powerful between it involves the top and bottom poles of wholeness and emptiness, Absolutes. The more extreme the contradiction, the more powerful. Nietzsche was extremely sensitive and anxious, but his ideas were of peak physical strength. The Catholic Church organization is based on Christian virtue yet commits the most horrifying atrocities in secret. Tom Brady plays a physical sport, but you can see underneath the game is entirely mental to him. The red is strengthened by the demise of the blue, or vice versa.

Imagine a situation where a young couple argues while their mutual friend watches. Both individuals seem justified. What active options does the friend have?

Saying why the each individual is wrong and they shouldn't be arguing -- neutralization.

Saying each individual is right and there is a third way where they can work together to find peace -- harmony.

Choosing the side whose victory would be better for everyone -- consummation.

Seeing that neither option is more right or wrong than the other and that the conflict is much deeper and eternal than they can recognize therefore doing anything with the conflict would be futile. But this does not mean do nothing and ignore the conflict. The messenger becomes the residual of the conflict, reflecting it like a joker.

On both a macro level (such as politics) and a micro level we deal with the fighting couple. With every decision the subject is pulled up and down, left and right, and even in and out.

Tracing the origin genetically. A three-dimensional cube is two parallel squares connecting, like ABCD and EFGH. The material origin is therefore like the masculine and feminine genetic origins. Resolving the conflict between two creates another generic configuration of the third term. This creates something that can be sold -- a static form that fits as a good third term.

However, the four-dimensional cube is the totality of all genetics resolved into One. This means that the contradiction diamond is resolved from EVERY perspective simultaneously: thinking the unthinkable. This state is referred to as 33rd Degree or Christ Consciousness. Antichrist consciousness is the same but

The integration of all chakras into One Will.

The Oedipal Triangle is another concept that illustrates the configurations of interactions between abstract and mental elements. 32 configurations. very configuration is a mood. Nine is God because all eight cells in Tesseract form a whole due to its movement. Mercury is the messenger between moods. Four elements in light, four in darkness. All of the positive elements, and all of the negative elements interacting have 24 total permutations. Thn another 12 configurations based off the balance or spiritual neutralization. The 33rd degree of Christ Consciousness is Absolutely every four-dimensional configuration, consciousness of the Fifth dimension. The fifth element is the Aether as influence of the Absolute. The fifth elements does not combine with any of the others thus it is counted once. Aether corresponds to God or the Monad. The elements in light represent the intelligences with the spirit, against the spirit, and united.

Another 8 based off neutralization. The unity of four elements combined with reflection four elements. The ocean surface realizes it is the same as 36 thousand feet deep. The angel is the demon. Fire is life because it is energy but it is also non-life because it is destructive. The production of energy involves the breaking down of something, no?

We are all eightfold interacting with ourselves interacting with others. The origin of consciousness is in movement. What happens if you move towards nothing? Genesis: the individuation of the spirit. The natural downward movement of atoms. The only way to access the unthinkable is to become nothing, to not exist. But what if we came back from non-existence? Or at least simulated it. Pure movement radicalized. A contradiction: if we are nothing then why are our bodies still doing something. Our consciousness is nothing. Material bodies are thinkable because they are in time and space. We only exist because of materiality and its conditions. We can bridge the unthinkable with matter because matter is supposed to be unthinkable. Consciousness comes from space, which is nothing. Matter comes from time, which is movement. Kant ‘s writings came from outside space and Nietzsche’s came from outside time (DNA sequences). Kant showed us the power of consciousness and Nietzsche showed us the power of unconsciousness. The Greeks said the same thing but less extensive. However, certain extensions actually reworked the intensive value of what the Greeks said.

Want to become a God?

Become aware of yourself in each mood. Take each thought and think of the opposite of that thought until you find a pattern between thoughts and anti-thoughts. Make an action in the third mode: resolution, consummation, neutralization.

We are attracted to each other through shared configurations. If my fire interacts with water in a similar way to another person, then we might end up being friends. On the ego level we identity with similar configurations, but this actually comes down to the Law of Attraction in which we will eternally return to beings with similar configurations.

If you start behaving like a lion then your reality will become like a lion. Roaming the desert of indifference under the hot solar plexus, starving for pleasure. Starving because the only thing you consume is the Real meat of self-overcoming . The lion is respected and leads the pack, speaks confidently.

If you behave like an ape, then your reality will become like an ape. Swiftly navigating a jungle of wild stimuli. The schizoid identifies with the ape.

These are more social becomings. Take the shark, who is more alien. Equal power and strength. The ruthless businessman who has no friends only business partners. Regular feasts on the result of his power: whether this be dominating others or consuming wealth.

These things are representations of the demiurge's configurations. One does not simply identify.

How do the becomings of these animals relate to creatively interacting with two opposites? The answer is rooted in basic needs. The lion must eat food or perish. Its intelligence refines certain attributes that are effective in obtaining its desire, evolution, etc. Our intelligence does the same thing. The more it specializes itself, the more it individuates, concentrating the genetic pathways towards the need. Moods that contradict other moods can b. A strong affinity for water does not fit well with becoming lion, but this does not forsake confidence because the dolphin is also confident. Those with affection towards their mother (Nature) will have an affinity for working with tools, the evolutionary prerogative of homosapiens. The abstract feminine is responsible for individuation as the principle of isolate intelligence. Thus those who are more chaotic will often challenge you into overcoming contradiction.

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